Effective August 2, 2021, Specialty Graphics closed their printing business. Some of the assets of Specialty Graphics have been acquired by Record Printing Company. Record Printing Company has all artwork and job files for the last three years of Specialty Graphics' sales. Please visit http://www.recordprintingia.com/ or call us at 800-247-6212 for more contact information, products that we offer, and to learn more about us.
Using printftp.com is a fast and convenient way to upload files to Specialty Graphics. After logging in to our dedicated ftp server, you will be able to upload files directly from your computer.

For added security custom ftp sites can be set up for you and your customers.

For more information about our ftp capabilities contact our sales staff.

How to use printftp.com
1. Select FTP Login to the left.
2. Enter your username and password. (Contact your sales representative to set up a username and password.)
3. You will see two windows. The window on the right is your computer. The window on the left is the printftp.com server.
4. Highlight the files you want to upload.
5. Click the upload arrow ➡ to upload your files.